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 JanetVago : This document describes how to use the dynamic debug (dyndbg) feature Dynamic debug (2021-12-20)  
 Klarita Vaw : ¬£¬Ö¬Ò¬Þ¬Ñ¬ã¬ä¬Ö¬â ¬Ø¬Õ¬å ¬ä¬Ö¬Ò¬ñ

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So what do you do.
But Yoda isn¡¯t having it.
Have you ever felt frustrated when other people didn¡¯t meet your expectations.
The origins of this saying are open for debate, but it¡¯s primarily attributed to Abraham Lincoln.
This quote came from Wales, first appearing in an 1866 publication.
Your stories can benefit from this method too.
Curiosity killed the cat.
Repeat after me.
It¡¯s better safe than sorry, right.
What am I referring to.
Washington¡¯s message was that it¡¯s wiser to be upfront and deal with the consequences.
Other Common Examples of Aphorisms
¡¯Ah, all things come to those who wait,¡¯
Aphoristic statements also appear in everyday life, such as daily speeches made by politicians and leaders. (2022-06-30)  
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